Horizon View agent 7.8 failed to install on Windows 10

So I’ve been trying to get Horizon direct connection working in my home lab. The goal is to remote into a home PC using the Horizon client(PCOIP/BLAST) via DDNS, PFSense and Horizon direct connection. For the direct connection feature, one of the key requirements is to run the Horizon agent install silently using the command, VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-7.8.0-12599301 /v VDM_SKIP_BROKER_REGISTRATION=1 Little did I know I would spend an hour troubleshooting the agent install, which usually is a straight forward install....

March 22, 2019 · 2 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

User login taking too long with VMware Persona

Recently, I worked with a customer where user login was taking too long. From looking at the logs(vmwvvp.txt) the cause of the issue was the high number of files in the users profile. So what drove me to write this blog you ask? There is an interesting logging module that helped me narrow down the issue, VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics. VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics is a module within Persona that tracks the following interesting metrics: Time taken to create/sync files to the local computer profile Number of files in the profile Number of folders in the profile Total size of the profile Large files Time taken to preload files before login can complete Is client side caching enabled Below is an example excerpt of VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics in the persona log, vmwvvp....

March 29, 2017 · 2 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Enable debug logging on App Volumes 3.0

To enable debug logging: Backup and edit the following file: /usr/local/av-manager/config/log4r.yml Change the following:  standard\_debug\_dev: &standard\_debug\_dev <<: p="" standard=""> level: <%= !Rails.env.production? || DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO' %> standard\_debug\_only: &standard\_debug\_only <<: p="" standard=""> level: <%= DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO' %> to:  standard\_debug\_dev: &standard\_debug\_dev <<: p="" standard=""> level: <%= !Rails.env.production? || DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'DEBUG' %> standard\_debug\_only: &standard\_debug\_only <<: p="" standard=""> level: <%= DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'DEBUG' %>

May 11, 2016 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Error while adding vCenter in AppVolumes 3.0

Recently hit an error where AppVolumes did not register my lab vcenter successfully. My lab vcenter is signed by an internal CA. From the log /var/log/av-manager/production.log, \[2016-05-02 05:30:56 UTC\] P2455R400 ERROR RvSphere: Failed to connect to vSphere at "administrator@vsphere.local@vc.xyz.local": SSL\_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed \[2016-05-02 05:30:56 UTC\] P2455R400 INFO Completed 400 Bad Request in 46.6ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 8.4ms) As per the official documentation, we need to append the CA cert into the file /usr/local/av-manager/config/cacert....

May 2, 2016 · 1 min · Jahnin Rajamoni

Manually removing a user entitlement from the Adam database in VMware View

Came across an interesting issue where we were unable to remove user entitlements from the VMware View connection server. Was able to resolve the issue by manually removing the user from the adam database. The probable cause of the issue is due to replication failures between the connection servers. To manually remove user entitlements and the user account from the connection broker follow the below instructions: NOTE: Editing the Adam database is quite risky and can lead to rebuilding the entire VDI environment....

January 13, 2016 · 2 min · Jahnin Rajamoni