Getting started with containers is fairly easy. This post is just a summary of the steps I took to create a docker container image that I will be using in my kubernetes labs.


  • Create a free account on
  • Install Docker
  • Create a Dockerfile.
  • Build an image with the Dockerfile.
  • Run a container with the image you created and perform tests.
  • Push the image to docker hub.

Step 01: Install Docker

Installation is pretty straight forward. Follow the instructions here: Install Docker
I installed docker in Debian and followed the instructions here

Step 02: Create a Dockerfile

We will create a container that will display the Hostname of the containter, its IP details and IP route.

Create the dockerfile in a separate folder. I decided to use the following image nginx:mainline-alpine
For more information about the offical nginx docker image, refer the link


root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# vi Dockerfile
FROM nginx:mainline-alpine

RUN echo "<h1>Jahnin/nginx-net-info</h1><h1></h1><h2>Hostname: `hostname`</h2>" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html 
RUN echo "<h2>IFCONFIG</h2><code>`ip a| awk '{ print $0"<br>" }'`</code>" >> /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
RUN echo "<h2>IP Route</h2><code>`ip route| awk '{ print $0"<br>" }'`</code>" >> /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

The above run commands' adds HTML tags to generate the index.html file that nginx will use.

Step 03: Build the nginx image with the newly created Dockerfile

root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker build -t jahnin/nginx-net-info .

root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker image list
REPOSITORY                      TAG               IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZE
jahnin/nginx-net-info           latest            7ba60fbc2646   29 minutes ago      22.9MB
nginx                           mainline-alpine   513f9a9d8748   3 weeks ago         22.9MB
alpine                          latest            d4ff818577bc   3 months ago        5.6MB

Step 04: Run the container, test and validate output

root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker run -it --rm -d -p 80:80 --name nginx-net-info jahnin/nginx-net-info

root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker run -it --rm -d -p 80:80 --name nginx-net-info jahnin/nginx-net-info
root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                               NAMES
8bfa57e1d7bd   jahnin/nginx-net-info   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   9 seconds ago   Up 8 seconds>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   nginx-net-info

Docker will proxy on port 80. Just open a browser and point it to the machine where you installed docker to view the web page.

Step 05: Push the image to docker hub

root@debian:/home/debian/project/nginx-net-info# docker push jahnin/nginx-net-info
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository []
5a295dd113ec: Layer already exists 
f331305eb749: Layer already exists 
c852e60cc259: Layer already exists 
40403bebe4fd: Layer already exists 
b4b4e85910ea: Layer already exists 
311d8db33235: Layer already exists 
20d0effdf3a2: Layer already exists 
e6d3cea19fef: Layer already exists 
e2eb06d8af82: Layer already exists 
latest: digest: sha256:ca7ee6ef676125860a11e0d30a93a0ddb0b34b2f1d2348f3648e8d72ab0b3fcc size: 2189