Recently, I worked with a customer where user login was taking too long.
From looking at the logs(vmwvvp.txt) the cause of the issue was the high number of files in the users profile.
So what drove me to write this blog you ask? There is an interesting logging module that helped me narrow down the issue, VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics.

VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics is a module within Persona that tracks the following interesting metrics:

  1. Time taken to create/sync files to the local computer profile
  2. Number of files in the profile
  3. Number of folders in the profile
  4. Total size of the profile
  5. Large files
  6. Time taken to preload files before login can complete
  7. Is client side caching enabled

Below is an example excerpt of VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics in the persona log, vmwvvp.txt:

[0][03/23/2017 09:07:43:0458][VMWInitSupportMetrics     ] User: \\, Session GUID: xxxxxxxx-12e8-429a-b84c-xxxxxxxxxxxx  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Session GUID: xxxxxxxx-12e8-429a-b84c-xxxxxxxxxxxx  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] User: TEST  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Profile Path: \\\\Share\\Profiles$\\Test.domain.V2  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Offline File Creation Time: 209.10 seconds  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Files: 11074  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Folders: 3278  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Profile Size: 1251.34 MB  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] File Size Distribution:  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   0 to < 1MB: 10932  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   1MB to < 10MB: 115  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   10MB to < 100MB: 27  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   100MB to < 1GB: 0  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   1GB to < 10GB: 0  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   >= 10GB: 0  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Preload Time: 119140ms  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Folder Redirection Apply Time 0ms  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Folders To Redirect:  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ]   \\\\Share\\Profiles$\\Test.domain.V2\\AppData, Reason: More than 10000 files and folders  
[0][03/23/2017 09:11:13:0426][VMWLogLogonSupportMetrics ] Client-Side Caching: Disabled  

Also, it is recommended to disable client-side caching. More information here: